API - Create a new PID

This API uses JSON as the primary exchange format. All implementations MUST be able to produce and consume JSON.

Create a new PID - Description

You want to create a new PID. There are two ways to create - generate a new PID

  • automatic generation of the suffix name via the POST method
  • manual generation of the suffix name via the PUT method

HTTP PUT can be used for both resource creation and resource updates . So if you want to be sure that you are going to create a new one you must first check if it exists. If you don't check the existence of a PID based on the suffix it is possible that you will update the data of an existing one.

There is a way to make your HTTP PUT request “conditional” in the sense that it will only be executed if the URL doesn’t exist yet (which constitutes a create action), or that it does exist yet (which constitutes an update ).


In order to make the PUT request conditional use HTTP’s If-Match: or If-None-Match: headers.

DescriptionCreate a new PID
URLThe API Service URL
HTTP MethodPUT for manual generation of suffix name
HTTP MethodPOST for automatic generation of suffix name
SecurityRequires ownership of the PID. So you must authenticate before actually creating the PID

The data you must send in order to create are described in the following table

TypeDescriptionRequiredDefault valueExample value
suffixThe local name of the handle in the systemYesNonea) use a UUID generator via PUT method, b) automatic generation via POST method

The data you must send as json representation are described in the following table

TypeDescriptionRequiredDefault valueExample value
typeEach handle has a set of values assigned to it. These handle values use a common data structure for its data. The data type defines the syntax and semantics of the data in its data field.YesNoneURL
parsed_dataA set of data that describes the resource identified by the handle. The syntax and semantics of parsed data are identified by the field.YesNonehttp://www.grnet.gr
timestampThe timestamp records the last time this Handle Value was updated at the server. The field contains elapsed time since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1970 in milliseconds.NOtimestamp2013-11-26T11:58:14Z
ttl_typethe TTL type indicates whether the TTL value is absolute or relative. The absolute TTL value defines the time to live in terms of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1st 1970. A relative TTL specifies the time to live in terms of the number of seconds elapsed since the value was obtained by the client from any handle server.NOinteger 0=relative, 1=absolute by default 00
ttla number that specifies the Time-To- Live of the value record. A positive value defines the time to live in terms of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1st 1970. A negative value specifies the time to live in terms of the number of seconds elapsed since the value was obtained. (if ttl_type is absolute, then this indicates the date/time of expiration in seconds since Jan 1 0:00:00 1970.)NOinteger seconds86400
refsa list of references to other Handle ValuesNoNone[{'idx':'1','handle':'11239/12'}] where idx is the value for index field of handle data, and handle is the referenced handle value


In this example we are going to create a new handle via the PUT method in the following url https://epic.grnet.gr/handles/11239/UUIDGENERATE. There is an example via POST method at PID generation page

The request in curl

curl -v -u "YOURUSERNAME:YOURPASSWORD" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT --data '[{"type":"URL","parsed_data":"http://www.grnet.gr/"}]' https://epic.grnet.gr/api/v2/handles/11239/$SUFFIX

The response:

  • HTTP/1.1 201 Created: (Success)
  • HTTP/1.1 204 No-Content: The local name already exists , and instead of creating a new one you’ve just updated the values of an existing one.
  • HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized: Your username or your password is wrong
  • HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed:
    1. You are trying to create a new handle in the main url of the server either (https://epic.grnet.gr/handles/11239/) or (https://epic.grnet.gr/handles). You have not specified a unique name for your handle. (or)
    2. You are trying to create a new handle with manual generation of suffix name via POST instead of PUT. POST supports automatic generation of suffix name.
  • HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition failed: You have used the precondition (HTTP’s If-Match: or If-None-Match:) in the request-header fields. The precondition given, evaluated to false when it was tested on the server and prevented the requested method from being applied.
  • HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type: You haven't specify the correct headers for your request. The service supports Json representation so you must define the content-type of the request.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 10:18:18 GMT
Content-Length: 2211
Location: https://epic.grnet.gr/api/v2/handles/11239/05C3DB56-5692-11E3-AF8F-1C6F65A666B5
ETag: "1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg"
Last-Modified: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT